Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Taeotu 1 Poetry Writing

Today Taeotu 1 tried their hand at poetry. The goal was to use "two-word sentences" to describe what they could see in a picture. Below are the picture prompts and some of the poetry we created.


Mouse Spying
Nose Sniffing
Ears Listening
Eyes Watching

Cheese Staying
Harness Holding
Traps Waiting
Mouse Hanging

Tails Moving
Microphone Talking
Eyes Twitching
Holes Staying

Fears Rushing
Claws Stretching
Nose Sensing
Mouth Growling

The Mouse - By Hinemoa
String hanging
Trap setting
Cheese stays
Ears listening

Fumes gliding
Tail twitching
Hands holding
Room quiet

Eyes glowing
Mouse quiet
Mouse spying
Mouse flying

Saliva dripping
Hunger gaining
Hands quick
Trap snapping

MOUSE PLANS - By Harmony
Mouse lowering
Ears  lowering
Hunger gaining
Saliva dripping

Fumes gliding
Tail twitching
Hands steady
Trap stable

Eyes bulging
Mouse quiet
Mouse spying
Mouse flying

Tail shaking
Room still
Feet high
Cheese mine

A Scary Dream - By Mairangi

WRITER #1 :Tell the story about what was happening one night in this eerie, old house. WRITER #2 : Add to the the first writer's story. WRITER #3 : Share your thoughts or the life lesson. WRITER #1 : Read the story. Edit and revise it for clarity. Give it a title. Lesson link http://pinterest.com/elaseminars (Photo source link provided below)

Wind Blowing
Trees Shaking
Hands Served
Glass breaking

Person walking
Stairs broken
Stairs Creaking
Heart Pumping

Ears Listening
People shouting
People Screaming
Blood dripping

Door open
Blood Spreading
Eyes Closing
Eyes Awaking

Haunted House Poem - By Taylor

Windows breaking
Wood creaking
Grass blowing
Trees shaking

Colour fading
Leaves whistling
Door slamming
Clouds passing

Branches snapping
Wind whistling
Ghosts haunting
Skies passing

Glass shattering
People abandoning
People scared
Bugs sneaking

When tragedy struck - By Bianca

Cool pictures

Diver splashes
Fish Scram
Flippers kick
Boat waits

Woman searches
Coral waves
Bubbles float
Currents drift

Snorkeler breaths
Reef reflects
Eyes scan
Saltwater seeps

Diver sinks
Shark feeds
Diver fights
Lady dies

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

New Taeotu Classroom

This week, Taeotu students have been in to explore, trial and experience learning in the new classroom block. We've had lots of positive moments and great discussion about how learning will look for us in the near future. Here are some photos of us during learning activities...

Monday, May 1, 2017

Week 11 has been and gone but...

We still have the memories!

On the last day of Term 2, as the cyclone made its way steadily towards us, Taeotu 1 faced a challenge of a different sort. The mission was to use 1 piece of paper, 8 straws and a roll of sellotape to make a protective device for a raw egg - so that it could survive a drop of approx. 2 metres.

Groups got to work and each came up with a different plan: a cone...a parachute...a nest...a pocket...

Then came the test!

For most of the groups, it didn't go well...

But, at the end of the day we had some clear winners...

Congrats Girls!